2011 will be a very amazing and busy year for all of us. There will probably be a preparatory meeting in Turkey in December or January in order to finalize the ideas we would shape in our minds and drafts. We have a long time to carry out some tasks to inform the whole participants including the pupils and the parents in each school. By instructing these groups and getting their helps, we will be able to enlarge the project contents, it will be easier to direct the processes since there is a collective labor and the project will be recieved and accepted by a large number of the society which is one of the most important targets of the project. Probably, the project title will be something like "Many Hands Make Light Work" by means of the Environment. That's why one of the supporter organizations will be the municipalities in each province where the partner schools located. Music, Arts and Crafts, History, ICT, Geography, Tourism and more can be put to good use in the mentioned project. Of course it will be shaped cotiniously according to the different views of the partners. I will go on informing you here.