There was an eartquake measured as 7.2 in Van Province and Erciş District of Turkey on 23rd October 2011 and unfortunately more than 500 people died some lost and more than 4000 people injured. According to the report which the Ministry of Education announced there are more than 90 teachers who died in the earthquake just because they were mostly in a Cafe to have a rest and meet each other as it was weekend and they had just gone out from a Conference, caused a big sorrow in the education community. Forebears of education, headed to the ground one by one. As a result, the Academic year had been delayed till the 14th November, Monday in Van but after the second earthquake which happened in Van Lake and Edremit District measured as 5.7 three days ago, the cancellation has been extended by the Ministry of Education.
"I hope God have mercy on those who died in the Earthquake and patience for their families."
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