Smart boards first introduced in 1991 to control windows-based applications. Later on they were improved and used in classrooms or corporations. Actually the working principle based on touchable davices. The system is almost the same as computer - projector link but the only difference is that one can use it in a more flexible way. This smart technology allows an active learning environment and you can easily overcome the difficulties of introducing a subject in the classroom. However I still have some prejudice on this technology. We welcomed Overhead Projector Technology but we couldn't use it. Then we met Technology Classes but we didn't employ sufficient number of Computer and Tech. teachers. That is why those classes became out of date and useless. After that we brought the Projectors and computers in our own classrooms but we couldn't use them properly. Finally we heard about the smart boards. I think before welcoming a new technology in our teaching methods, we should get the culture of it. Besides classical boards can stand still but we should decide chalk or boardmarker.